On the Occasion of Fr. Perricone’s 48th Anniversary, May 29th, 2024

In this 48th year of his priesthood, we celebrate with Fr. John Perricone the joy of his priesthood and what he has brought to many of his friends in the upholding of Catholic dogma. He accomplishes this traditional priestly task with his ever-trenchant articles, his strong sermons at the Latin Masses each and every Sunday, his personal spiritual direction and the insightful talks at his catechism classes where he lectures each month at three different venues in New Jersey and New York.  Last, but not least, his annual Men’s and Women’s Retreats, which he has been conducting since his ordination, have grown exponentially, particularly over the last 20 years.


Though he deserves a higher role in the Church, the powers that be have seen fit he remains close to his loyal congregation, which he does diligently through his Masses, retreats, lectures and articles.  Fr. Perricone is a natural teacher, with the ability to effortlessly relate Church history, its dogmas and the lives of saints who gave their lives for us through the centuries.  He has an incredible knowledge of traditional Catholic books and their authors. 


It is beyond my ability to express how very blessed we are to have him.  I believe there has been no better teacher of the Catholic Church since Bishop Fulton Sheen.  What is the driving force behind all of Father’s work and his desire to relate proper Catholic teaching? I think it can be summed up in the prayers we recite at the foot of the altar at Mass: “I will go to the altar of God: to God Who giveth joy to my youth.”

— Daniel Marengo, May 2024



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