All About ME
“Finding oneself has replaced finding God’s Holy will; listening to the Holy Spirit has been corrupted into carefully listening to your inner voice.”
An Embarrassment of Riches: The Ancient Mass Explained for Men in Strange Times
“This silence is indeed unsettling, especially in our own culture where sounds (noise?) surround us like permanent membrane. It leaves us addicts – unable to live without it.”
Don’t Look Away
“Each time we find excuses to hide from the cross, Good Friday is put on hold. And Easter never comes.”
Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste
“After all this we are obliged by the command of God to be of good cheer, and have supernatural hope in God’s care.”
Mercy on the Cheap
“God’s mercy waits for the slightest nod from the sinner. But there must be the nod.”
Catholicism's Ghost
“As soon as any soul seeks another path other than the one set out by the Catholic Church, he soon finds himself in a spiral of deceptions.”
Lift High the Cross
“Stranger still are the victors. It is children holding crosses high, kids who are shaming their priests not in disrespect but for the sake of God.”
Nunsense, Redux-Part II
“The veil covering the head of the religious is equally a cover for man in escaping the pelting rain of our culture’s lies.”
The Priesthood
“The Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist are bound in as intimate a union as you and your body. “
(Bad) Business as Usual
“It is truly business as usual. A razzle-dazzle PR solution where there should be a rigorous top-to-bottom reassertion of earthshaking orthodoxy.”
Prophets du Jour
“The Berrigans changed the priest from servant of Christ to servant of The Age.”
Our Lepanto Moment
“Our straitened circumstances beg for a return to the Rosary prayed by Catholics in common.”
Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, R.I.P.
“We can say with certainty and with no fear of dishonoring the dead, that all he did to the Catholic Church in America is something for which he must now render account before Divine Justice.”
The Strange Case of the Catholic Anti-Catholic
“Journalism’s favorite bullseye is the Catholic Church, and their most prized journalist is the Catholic anti-Catholic.”
Nunsense, Redux
“Contrast this supernatural feast of love of God through love of neighbor with the shrill iconoclasm of the nuns of the LCWR.”
Cardinal Cupich's Uncertain Trumpet
“We live in days where the ground is constantly shifting beneath us. Every certitude is questioned, and metaphysical shelters are few, most having long been blown away by the hostile winds of secularism.”
A Fearful Homage
“In matters of strict faith and morals, a Catholic must give unwavering assent. In matters of discipline, a Catholic must cede absolute obedience, but can legitimately pose questions as to expediency and effectiveness.”
Of Giants and Jesuits
“While [The Jesuit’s] charism was to be Mother Church’s Fifth Column, St. Ignatius recognized they would fail this high vocation without the cultivation of surpassing sanctity and razor-sharp intellects.”
Whither Our Catholic Churches?
“Every Catholic Church is a book. In fact, so is every building made by man. They tell a story.”
Lex Orandi Lex Aedificandi
“Modernism is an ideology of the old seeking eagerly to justify both its vice and its ennui. Orthodoxy is the adventure of the young who are hungry for the adventure which is ad maiorem Dei gloriam.”