The great doctor of the Church, Pope Leo the Great, who reigned in the fifth century, once wrote that each and every day, we must struggle against the “rust” of our created nature.

What did he mean by rust? By rust he meant all those accumulated sins. The ones we have been fighting against, and the one that we have unfortunately surrendered to.

The time of Lent is coming. and we focus our eyes upon the wounds our Lord suffered on Calvary. Wounds that he suffered because of me, and you, and our sins.

Let us strive this Lent to discover what those sins are. to make a sincere struggle against this rust that has built up on our souls. A struggle to know what our sins are, and a sincere struggle to work to amend them. To truly be changed, so that on Easter Sunday, we can go to Mass and say to our Lord, “Look what I have decided to become for you.” 

God bless you.