Fathers, Rise to Your Greatness

Echoes of the Holy Trinity ring out in the hearts of fathers. Failing to appreciate this leaves them prey to the cultural vandals.

Published in Crisis Magazine on June 14, 2024

Echoes of the Holy Trinity ring out in the hearts of fathers. Failing to appreciate this leaves them prey to the cultural vandals.

First, a bit of digging. As with every mystery of our Catholic Faith, the Holy Trinity is called a mystery not because it is like a riddle but because it is like an ocean. Divine mysteries are as incomprehensible as trying to count all the stars of the universe, or the sands on earth. They are beyond our ken because their beauty, truth, and wonder are infinite, exceeding reason’s grasp.

Even in the Beatific Vision the mysteries of the Faith will never be entirely comprehended by men or angels because our intellects are created, and therefore limited. All of eternity for the Blessed will be a series of new adventures into the bowels of Love, one never like another. Each one fuller, deeper, and bursting with an ecstatic joy far grander than the one before.

Continue reading at CRISIS Magazine.


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