The Priest as Hercules

A perfect metaphor for the classical priest is Hercules. Sadly, the Modern priest happily sees himself as Shirley Temple, steering not the mighty Barque of Peter but the Good Ship Lollipop.

Published in Crisis Magazine on July 18, 2024

Modernity has succeeded in jailing God. Then it made many of His priests a class of pygmies. Pity. For God’s priests are anointed to be a class of Titans. A perfect metaphor for the classical priest is Hercules. Sadly, the Modern priest happily sees himself as Shirley Temple, steering not the mighty Barque of Peter but the Good Ship Lollipop.

First, a bit of pertinent background. Virgil’s Fourth Eclogue was always believed to be a proto evangelion by the Church Fathers. It would not be rash to say that an equivalent similitude can be applied to Hercules, a kind of proto presbyteros: an ancient allusion of the Catholic priest.  

As Hercules, the priest is given strength from Heaven beyond ordinary human capacities.  

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