The Paris Olympics: Caligula Redux

The tragedy was not the outrageous blasphemy. It was the absence of howling outrage.

Published in Crisis Magazine on August 2, 2024

I demur. The Opening Ceremonies of the Paris Olympics last Friday would have been an insult to Caligula. He merely stood for perversity, sadism, and debauchery, while the opening ceremonies at Paris celebrated much, much more. They boldly trumpeted the end of Christianity, in particular, and of Western Civilization, in general. With their Last Supper blasphemy festooned with deviant LGBTQ+ burlesque, they intended nothing less than a battering ram against Christianity and the civilization to which she gave birth.  

Aside from a handful of outrages, the general reaction ranged from mild amusement, to “ho-hum pass the salt,” to passionate agreement, to muted displeasure.  

And therein lies the nightmare. 

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