Down the Rabbit Hole of Synodality
“Creating Wonderlands will always be a human temptation. As Eliot wrote in The Four Quartets, “Humankind/cannot bear/too much reality.” It is easier to create worlds within worlds out of the whole cloth of our ideas than to live in the sometime unsettling world of the real.”
Catholicism Is About Swords
“Catholicism is the Mexican Father Pro blessing his Marxist firing squad in Mexico with the stumps of his arms after the barbarians had finished cutting them off. It is Spanish soldiers charging Communist trenches with fixed bayonets and rosaries. Catholicism is about an army marching through history chanting the Te Deum. Catholicism is about swords.”
Post Traditionis Custodes: Musings on a Setback, Not a Defeat
“Not only from the time of Christ but from that of Abel, the Church has gone forth on pilgrimage, amid both the persecutions of the world and the consolations of God, and so it will be till the end of time….“
Black Lives Really Mattered to St. Peter Claver
“St. Peter Claver can never be called a humanitarian. Humanitarians are moved by their feelings; saints are moved by their love of Christ. Humanitarians see only victims, saints see souls for whom Christ shed his Precious Blood. “
9/11/01: Hell in Manhattan
“Yes, it is only sin that is catastrophic because only sin can take happiness from us—the happiness Who is God. Death cannot. Suffering cannot. Isolation cannot. Loss of loved ones cannot. Certainly 9/11 cannot. “
Auschwitz and Holiness
“Only an army of Edith Steins can confront the looming darkness. But “cheery religion” can’t produce Edith Steins. Only the Old Faith....can do that. The Old Faith, unafraid of the Cross. “
O Death, Where is Thy....Tickle?
“When St. Paul thunders, “O Death, where is thy sting?” (I Cor 15:55), he admitted that it was a sting that death inflicts. Modernity turns it into a tickle.”
On Not Keeping The Poor Poor
“Rich men are the ones with full souls. They are to be found in the barrios as well as on Rodeo Drive. Happiness is not a matter of erasing income inequality..“
The Holy Family and Holy Families
“The family and home is where the human race begins. This is the womb where whole and wholesome men and women are created. Man is taught here that there is infinitely more to man than man. “
The “New Spirituality” & the Ghost of Catholicism
“As soon as a soul seeks a path other than the one set forth by the Catholic Church, he finds himself in a spiral of deceptions.”
Black Power!
“Only Christ calls men to the priesthood, but His voice passes through Christ-like priests—and not merely through their voices, but through their actions, bearing, and dress.”
Forty-Five Years of Roe v. Wade: How Long, O Lord?
“Abortion did not only cheapen the life of the unborn in the womb, but the lives of us all.”
Radical Chic Redux
“As we have seen many times in the past two thousand years, it is only the Roman Catholic Church which can face such derangement and right it.”
Beyond Roe v. Wade: The Obsolete Human
“For the people who are cheering Obergefell never sleep. Their eyes are trained upon us all. “
Millstones Galore
“Living men with nearly dead souls gasping for, but never quite able to breathe, the air of God.”
Catholics as ‘Strangers’
“Unless we work each day to make of ourselves strangers in this strange exile, then we shall ever be strangers to Heaven.”
Marin County Meets the Tiber
“Man craves the Absolute, and satisfies that craving in absolutes. It cannot be suppressed, even if its expressions are depraved.”
Latin in the Mass
“No more important words are uttered than the words of Holy Mass. Shouldn’t the Church strive mightily to keep them right?”
Thank God, Andrew Cuomo
“Governor Cuomo’s madness is not an isolated madness; it permeates the culture.”
Active Participation at Holy Mass: Truths and Counterfeits
“However, Our Lady is the most perfect example of ‘active participation’. She attends the First Mass, Our Lord’s suffering and death on Calvary. Look at what she is doing.”