Why the Extraordinary Form Is Extraordinary
"Even a superficial glance at the prayers of the Ancient Roman Mass resonates with a clarity, beauty, and spiritual refinement that sweeps the faithful into the depths of the mystical sacrifice. This prayerful reverence is sustained at every moment. The faithful are never victimized by idiosyncrasy or idiocy, precisely because the inflexibility of the Ancient Roman Mass protects them."
Three Cheers for Smokers
"Even though he might campaign for an existence without standards, the steady interior voice demands some calculus of absolute evil and absolute good. And if man won’t let God declare what they are, then man will. When he does, despotism reigns.
If truth and God no longer govern a man’s life, darker forces do, and man’s desire for absolutes descends into absolute terror. You see, as Chesterton once put it, “the atheist is not one who believes in no god, he is one who believes in any god.”"
Aquinas, Anyone?
“For St. Thomas, the whole world of reality was made by God and for God and reaches its only fulfillment in God. Man is created by God to find God so that he might find himself and so find happiness. Man is not made to look into himself but always to look at God. When he wants to hear God, he doesn’t listen to his “inner voice”; he listens and surrenders to the voice of His bride, the Holy Catholic Church.”
Awake in Paradise
“Each time someone enters a Catholic Church it should seem strange because its splendor and majesty is unlike any other thing in the world.”
St. Mother Teresa: Loving the Poor – Catholic Style
“Every act of this saint was first an act of the love of God.”
St. Mary Magdalene
“At the heart of love is the sorrow of love, or contrition. The Magdalene is the model of contrition. She knows her sin and refuses to call it anything but sin.”
Archbishop Vigano’s Letter: Now What?
“Nothing could be better than the God given opportunity to show Him heroic fidelity. To be present, as we watch Our Lord show us what He meant when he proclaimed, ‘Behold I make all things new.’”
Christ the King: An Embarrassing Feast for a “Reimagined Church”
The feast of Christ the King trumpets a robust and sanguine Catholicism that brooks no compromise. It presents Christ as triumphant over the world, sin, and death. It proclaims Christ, Who mandates: “Go ye therefore and teach all nations” (Matthew 28:19) and, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:16).
Heaven is Only in Heaven: Reflections on the Ascension
We desperately crave heaven, and this world is simply not it. Doesn’t St. John of the Cross write in the Spiritual Canticle, “Outside of God, everything is small.”? To be sure, Catholics will make of this world what God wants it to be, each one of us carefully honing all the powers with which he has blessed us. But we can never expect from this world what we can only expect from the next.
A Friday Unlike Any Other
The Holy Gospel tells us that Peter kept a distance when Christ was taken in Gethsemane to face Pilate. Like Peter, we too keep our distance from Christ. We dread not fitting in. We fear the sacrifices of fidelity. We don’t want to commit the faux pas of appearing too closely associated with a Church so clearly out of step with the times.
Saint Mychal Judge?
Most certainly, in matters of this sort a sharp clarity and careful delicacy is required. No man is without sin, or its inclinations. Priests are no different. Struggles against our sins is the arena of sanctity, priests not excepted.
Occupy Harvard
Education is truly liberal when it looses man bondage to self and allows him to soar. It unfetters man so that he moves easily amongst his dreams. It swells man’s soul so that he can burst with aspiration and ordered commitment. Education is properly liberal precisely when it makes smugness an embarrassment and wonder a prize.
Love's Violence
Speaking of charity always involves great risk. Especially these days. Modernity run amuck has so bruised the word charity, or love, that its original meaning is barely recognizable. It must first be noted that the very term charity (caritas, in Latin; xaris, in Greek) is the love that God has for man, and him for God. So demarcated, its privileged status raises it far above the parodies given it by our sensate culture. In the Catholic economy the term has nothing to do with feeling, sentiment, subjective judgment, common friendship or bonhomie.
Modernity's New Drink: Marriage on the Rocks
Every Catholic sanctuary should be a fortress against modernity’s mendacities. Not so any longer. With great enthusiasm not a few priests have permitted marriage’s solemnity to be debased into a billboard for modernity’s beguilements. Absent is the ancient Catholic marriage ritual’s exhortatio, “you are about to enter into a union which is most sacred and most serious, a union which was established by God Himself.”
North Dakota Lawmakers Declare War on the Church
The seal of the Confessional is the Church’s pledge that she is the privileged encounter between man and God, where no other men will ever trespass. So sacred is this protection that the priest is committed to die, rather than divulge secrets told him in the confessional.
Why I Love The National Catholic Reporter
NCR’s operating assumption, as well as a majority of the reigning apparatchiks in the Church, is that the successful understanding and transmission of the Gospel has been impeded by two thousand years of the Church’s cadaverous ‘tradition’ and ‘scholastic theology’. It deems these things ‘accretions’. For them, devotion to eternal truths has mutated into a devotion to the zeitgeist.
Resisting a Counterfeit Easter
Counterfeit Christianity always delights in showing the heart of Christ, but not His pierced heart. From that seemingly harmless symbolism tumbles the inverted creed of Counterfeit Christianity. It centers not on sacrificial love but on sentimental luv, a perennial temptation for all the fallen children of Adam and Eve.
The Holy Spirit Makes Men of Steel
The Third Person is not only the blessed sweetness of light but also the arm of heavenly power. His indwelling is transformative. Before His arrival, the Apostles are rent with fear, uncertainty, ambivalence, confusion, hesitancy, and abandonment. After He comes, all that melts away. Before Pentecost, the eleven were simpering fishermen; after Pentecost, they are Apostolic giants.
The Tightening Noose of Diversity Ideology
Human dignity is only achieved when man is allowed to reach for the highest excellence that conforms to God’s plan. Permitting every man that opportunity is the mark of the just society. Since excellences will vary upon native born abilities, there will be differences of accomplishment and reward. The natural placements in society result from that free pursuit of excellence. This is the definition of true diversity.
Aren’t We All Going to Heaven? - Reviewing Deadly Indifference by Eric Sammons
No, not everyone is going to heaven. That is not an insouciant judgment, but the Holy Spirit speaking through the teaching of the Church…Our Savior did not die on the Cross so that the ‘well-meaning' could gain heaven. He died so that every man would have the opportunity to hail the Blood He shed on the Cross. That Precious Blood is only touched through His Holy Catholic Church.